Wednesday, January 21, 2009


6 Month stats
Weight: 13.8 lbs


Head: 16-1/2

Sorry for the delay in getting these out to everyone. Well, Elliana is perfect, other than that fact that theres been little weight gain. She didn't gain a single pound between her 4 month check up and her 6 month check up, which put up a red flag. She eats great and loves her rice cereal, oatmeal, carrots, peas and apple sauce. The doctor mentioned that this could something as simple as her having little virus, teething, being very active or it could be a bigger issue. We have to take her back on the 27th to get weighed again. If she has gained even a little we won't have to see the doctor until her 9 month apt...if she hasn't gained any weight, then she will have to get a few different test done. So, keep your fingers crossed that she gains some weight by the 27th!

I found some cheap tickets on a whim and took a weekend trip to Colorado Jan. 16-19. It was really fun. I surprised most of my family. My mom and dad got to bond with there grand daughter. It was a very laid back weekend. I wasn't able to visit or get in touch with everyone while I was there, but there is always next time.

Elliana had her second tooth come in. So, she has two pearly whites on the bottom. Other good news is my cousin Ashley gave birth to a healthy baby boy (Lucas Franklin Whitt) on Jan. 12, 2009.