Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weight Check Up

Good News our little lady gained!
2 weeks ago: 13.5 lbs = 8% percentile
Yesterday: 14.5 lbs = 14% percentile

Things are looking up. The doc said we need her to continue gaining, but the fact that she gained one pound in two weeks is very good. The extreme weight lost could have been caused by her being a sick and by her increased activity/mobility. The Dr. would like to her percentile to be closer to 30% or more.

She has moved up on her hands and knees and is starting to sway, but not yet moving. She is rolling around and scooting. She LOVES her walker as you can see in the video below. Thank goodness for our tile floors. She is holding herself longer and better everyday in sitting position. I guess now its time for her to actually sit up by herself and start crawling or military crawl. Elliana is so fun! She is laughing at us, Mya and even herself. I'm really loving her ability to interact. She is a riot. She loves playing keep away...where I will hold a toy or something and she will reach for it and I will pull it away...she thinks it is hilarious.

She is eating both rice cereal and baby oatmeal. We have implemented carrots, sweet peas, applesauce and bananas to her diet. Every week we will try something new. Plus her yummy formula! At 9 months (April 11) we can start her on normal bite size food.

Thanks for all the caring phone calls and text messages yesterday! Our baby girl is doing wonderfully!