Sunday, January 11, 2009

6 Months Old Today!

Today is Aunt Kelly's (Ryan's sister) birthday. Happy Birthday....hope you have great day...WE LOVE YOU!

Elliana is doing absolutely wonderful. She can sit on her own (well, for short periods of time before she falls to the side). Her tooth is becoming more and more visible. She is talking with a lot goos and gahs! She is rolling around everywhere and scooting forward inch by inch. Can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!


Patty Rutenbar said...

oh Happy day for both Elli and Kelly! Just 23 and a half years ago, Kelly was celebrating her 6 month birthday! And now she gets to celebrated with a full meal from a resturant! Elli gets to celebrate with rice cereal . . . yuummmmmm!
Elli is adorable! And she gets cuter and cuter every day! I so look forward to your updates, thanks for doing this for us.
Love, Aunt Patty

Sadie said...

She is adorable! And, ok, this may sound weird but she has the perfect head for baby pictures. The ones where the baby is looking out with a curious face, stretching out the neck behind a white background?