Thursday, June 26, 2008

OMG.... 38 Weeks Today!!!

Only two weeks (14 days) until D-DAY...when-oh-when will Elli be here? I have some annual vacation days I have to use by June 30 or I loose them, so I have been taking days off here and there. Nicole & Tim are on track break (Nevada has year round school and track breaks are like mini summer vacations that account for a "normal" summer vacation which a 9 month school would have). Anyway, I have been hanging out with Mya and them during the day since they are off.

It's nice to relax but I'm also getting a little stir crazy. I'm not use to this down time. Ryan is probably going crazy from my calls all day long...haha. I have been trying to walk a lot to help induce labor (even though I think that is all hog wash and an old wives tale)...why not try it right? I heard pineapple and raspberry tea helps get labor going, so I have been indulging on that to. I will never go as far as the caster oil but stuff I like I will try.

Well, keep your fingers crossed that at my appointment tomorrow they tell me I am progressing and not stuck at the 2 cm and 60% thinned. Even if it is slow I just want some progression.

Until tomorrow....