Friday, June 27, 2008

06/27 Appointment..

So, everything is still the same. I am still 2 cm dilated and 50 to 60% effaced. The only progression is that she is REALLY low. She has dropped a lot. But other than that no news. The doctor encouraged me to walk, walk, walk but to be cautious of my swollen feet. The doc suggested MAYBE a 4th of July baby? Who knows....

Next check up July 3...


Anonymous said...

Not long now-be patient!!! This is the one of the most exciting times of your life-the miracle of a little baby-enjoy every minute of it for they grow up way to soon. She will be here soon -
Love you both-Mom & Dad Morris

The Moritz Fam said...

Girl, walking does help, trust me. I think I probably vacuumed my house at least 5 times before moving on to my neighbors house and it definitely helped since i was 7 cm by the time i got to the hosp. She will be here before you know it and then time just wont slow down fast enough. we love you guys and are praying for you. Love for all 3 of ya!

Anonymous said...

Angela, push for the 5th of July! Just think next year at this time you can spend her first birthday on the farm with the rest of the family. (Ryan celebrated his first birthday here the day after we got married.) Then I can add her to our traditional pictures of Gramma's girls in the fields, road or what ever is the background! you know we'll be thinking of you all week long and standing by with cell phones in hand! Ryan, you'll be great. . . I can't wait for you to be a dad, it's an awesome miracle and I know you'll wear it well.
Love, Aunt Patty