Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Trunk or Treating continued...

Last night we got invited to Karen's (Elliana's daycare teacher's church) for Trunk or Treating. It is where people decorate there car trunks and pass out candy. It was a fun, safe way of celebrating Halloween. Plus with me not being here I didn't want to miss out on the festivies. Ryan is still going to hit up a couple neighborhoods after they drop me off at the airport but at least our "Little Red Riding Hood" got a preview of what this Trick-o-treating this is all about and mom didn't miss out! Enjoy all the FUN pictures. Also, our good friends Nicole, Noah, Katie & Mia joined us for the fun. Getting Ready!
Just the cutest thing ever!
Little Red Riding Hood making her grand entrance!
She is very excited, can't you tell?
The front of Elliana's baseball pal, Noah's costume his grandma made.
Elliana helping Karen (her daycare teacher) pass out candy.
Daddy helping his precious girl out.
Mommy's turn.