Friday, March 7, 2008

March Update

Latest update on the baby name selection: NO DECISION YET. Lately we’ve taken a break from talking about it. Not that we don't agree on any, but we can’t seem to find the perfect one. It’s a lot of pressure choosing a name. And yes, we are still accepting suggestion. By the way, I’m little curious on who suggested Jean Marie & Sara Marie...are those family names that we don’t know about or just names that you like?

Everything was moving so slow until we found out the gender of our baby, and now it seems like everything is happening at mock speed. I may take this all back when I am within a month of delivering and have a belly tipping me over...ha-ha. But, gosh only four more months to go and baby Morris will be here. Right now we’re trying to relax as much as possible because once April sneaks up on us we’ll be NON stop. Lots of traveling, visitors, work, plus the nice weather will be here and that means plenty of BBQ's to host and attend (YEAH!)

Now for the medical talk. I had a check up appointment on March 4 and the baby looks great. I can definitely feel her moving around a lot more. From what Dr. Burns advised I will definitely start feeling the baby's movements more. My uterus is measuring where it should and after her review of the ultrasound the baby is doing fabulous. Dr. Burns checked her heartbeat and it sounds good. The baby was sitting head up in my belly, which is pretty normal for this time of the pregnancy since there is so much room for her to constantly be moving. It was a really, really tough appointment for me personally though. The doctor is concerned about my weight gain. She was super nice about it but, it must be bad for her to say something. On Tuesday after the appointment I had waterfall eyes for the majority of the day (I looked really pretty). For those of you who know me well enough, it really takes a lot for me to cry, especially for that long (guess I can blame it on the hormones). The reason I didn't write sooner is that I was pretty embarrassed. I’ve really, really been concerned about the whole weight issue anyway, so being told that I am gaining too much was no fun! I have struggled with my weight since, fourth grade...I guess I was being a bit naive by thinking anything would be different with pregnancy. The good thing is that I already maintain a fairly healthy diet. Granted where I never allowed snacks before, I’ve allowed myself some now, but that has come to a screeching halt. I just am going to workout more and cut back a bit. Obviously, still maintaining good nutrition for the baby. I need to not gain anymore weight between now and my next appointment which is April 1st. The baby will still be growing and getting bigger - I just can't let my butt and thighs do the same...ha-ha. I’m glad the doctor warned me now so I can take the appropriate precautions because I don't want to harm myself or the baby. Drill Sergeant RY RY is helping me out and being a wonderful support.

Anyways, take care and we’ll update everyone soon enough

~ Angela


Anonymous said...

Try not to stress about the weight thing too much. I remember gaining like 10 pounds in one month and my doctor said something will all even out :)


Sadie said...

There's something about that fifth month - I shot up like 10 pounds! Everyone I know gained a lot around that point too. In the end, you'll have a healthy round baby and you'll be like 'see, see, it was all cheeks!'

And take it from someone who looks like a 10 year old boy at the swimming pool. Pounds = boobs. Boobs = awesome.

ilse kotlarz said...

Aunt Ilse from michigan said....Angie dont worry about your weight to much the most importend thing is to have a healthy Baby, i gained 60 Pounds with Tanya and i took the weight off I was 27 at the time older then you just enjoy your Pregnancy it is a beautiful time in your life by the way you look awesome in the you aunt ilse