Friday, September 26, 2008

Hair Today - Gone Tomorrow

Recently I CHOPPED off the long locks. I can't believe I actually did it. After about two years of talking about it I finally did. NOTE... I've never even had my hair above my shoulders...this was a big step. It isn't styled perfect (still getting use to it) but you all get the idea....

I have also, included some fun recent pictures.


Anonymous said...

Nice Shirt Ry Ry

Anonymous said...

Ang-You like your mom in the top picture. It's cute. I remember needing a change after Ethan was born!! Hope you are all doing well.

Anonymous said...

Love the hair cut...I am amazed you waited until after having Elliana, I chopped mine a month ago and everyone says it was the typical pregnant lady needs to cut off all her hair thing to do. I liked it at first but now I want it to grow faster so I can put it up, I'm never pleased longer than a week with my hair though so no surprise :)