Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dex's 4 month Stats

Today was Dexter's 4 months appointment. He is definitely the ladies man at the peditriacans office. The nurses alway ooohh and ahhh at him while he just smiled and laughed. Even if they are just saying it they always give so many compliments. They comment how they love the name, how cute he is, rant and rave at his smiles & laughs and at shot time how tough he is. They probably tell all the moms the same deal but it does make me proud when hearing it. Though no one needs to convince me that Dexter is one of the happiest, handsome, best little babies I ever come across (but I am bias).

Anyway enough gloating I guess, here are his stats:

Weight: 15lbs 6oz (51%)
Length: 25.25in (60%)
Head Circumference: 42.75 (61%)


Anonymous said...

I showed a friend pictures of Dexter today and she is the first one to say that he looks like a MORRIS!!!! Finally Ryan someone thinks he looks like you! He is such a cutie and easy going guy-so it's not just the nurses that think so Angela---he has his mom and dads combined personality-how can he go wrong!!! Grandma Morris