Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The kiddos

Here are some recent pics of our awesome kiddos. Thanks Aunt Patty for taking this AMAZING picture of Elliana.
Ryan caught Dexter perfectly smiling.

A quick update:
I am back at work this week. It is good to be getting back to a schedule both for us and the kids. Their new daycare seems to be a great fit for everyone. Elli was going there twice a week since December. We are taking them to an at-home daycare with a lady by the name of Diane.
Dexter is really growing fast. He is scooting and starting to wiggle more and more. Counting down the days till he rolls over. He is such a happy, happy baby. I think Ryan and I got very lucky having two easy babies. Dexter is also already sleeping through the night. He has been now for about two weeks. That is pretty good considering he isn't even three months yet. As for Elliana she is getting taller,smarter and funnier day by day. She is such a great sister. She is adjusting to the new schedule. None of us are really morning people (especially her) so the 6am wake up call has been interesting.

That is it for now! Until next time!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sledding with Elliana

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Staying warm inside

Worker bees

Elli shoveling

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Holiday Recap

Though I am a few weeks late I thought I would include a little recap from the holidays. Geez, it was a BUSY few weeks for us. We definitely had a treat this year being close to family. I think we have either visited Michigan or had Grandma & Grandpa Morris here over the past 6 weeks.

The weekend of December 17th we went to Grand Rapids and shared in the Morris side of the family Christmas. It was great. The kids; Elli, Dexter, cousin Olivia & second cousin Jackson, were all running around enjoying their new toys from everyone. For the adults we all brought a gift card and played games trading them. In the mixed of the gift cards there was a secret envelope of money which everyone pitched in $5. The lucky person who ends up with the secret envelope gets the pot of money. It was a lots of fun. Plus for me it is definitely nice to be able to chat, share and just get to know family better.

The following weekend was Christmas. Christmas Eve we went to church with Ryan's folks and afterwards some family from his mom side came over for a bit to hang out.
Christmas Day morning was just Ryan, Elli, Dexter, Mike, Marcia and myself. It was really exciting to see how into Christmas Elliana was. She left milk, cookies and carrots out for Santa & his reindeer. She was shocked the cookies and carrots were eaten & milk drank when she awoke. Plus to see her eyes get so big when she saw all the presents. It was pretty fun. Later in the day Ryan's sister & hubby joined us along with many aunts, uncles, cousins, great grandma & grandpa for Christmas dinner. Marcia whipped up a lovely holiday meal of pork lions and sides for the whole gang. Elliana gave EVERYONE a tour of all her new toys. She was so excited with what Santa brought her. Then we all did a gift exchange and just enjoyed being together the rest of the day.

The next weekend was my 33rd birthday and New Year's Eve. Funny enough Aunt Nicole (Ryan's brothers wife, our sister-in-law) and I share 12/30 as our birthday. The four of us decided to hit the city. We grab some drinks and went to a bar to watch the UFC fights. Grandma & Grandpa volunteered to watch all the kids while we went out. It was a definite treat. The next night New Year's Eve, Jason & Nicole had us over along when some of there friends. We played some bored games, pigged out on food and chit chatted. We left there early to ring in the New Year at home in our pj's. Elli, Dexter & Grandpa were snoozing at midnight but Ryan, Grandma & myself watched the ball drop on TV. Nothing crazy at all.

Lastly, this past weekend myself and two of Ryan's cousins (Mackenzie & Jessica) threw a baby shower for Kelly, Ryan's sister. She is due Feb. 10 with her first child. It was a great success. Kelly and baby got lots of great gifts.

I head to Las Vegas this weekend to help out for work. I am very excited to visit with Nicole & Tim and all my friends. Also, because Las Vegas will no longer be my market I can say good bye to contacts I have there. A definite bitter sweet good bye to those I have worked with for the past 14 years. Both in a professional & personal aspect Vegas will always hold a very special place to me. A second home to me. I guess the Chicagoland area will now become my third home. :) Nonethelss i can put into words how excited I am to see the Johnson Clan.

My official day back at work is January 23rd. The kids will begin going to a full time at home daycare. Elli has been going there 2x a week since after Thanksgiving. It will be nice to get back to work.

I hope everyone had a LOVELY holiday and great New Year's! Hope 2012 brings all our loved ones, family and friends nothing but GOOD! I am looking forward to continue blogging the growth and advenuters of Elli & Dex.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2 month check up

Today we took Dexter to his 2 month check up! He is doing fabulous!
Weight: 12lbs 6oz (68%)
Height: 23.5in (70%)
Head: 39.5in (40%)

These stats are VERY different from when Elli was 2 months. They did comment on how he has grown almost 4 inches from birth. This could be a sign that he will be tall due tot he extreme growth spurt in his height. He was born at 19-3/4 (30%). So he has jump 40%.

Elli went to the appointment with me and was such a big help. When he got his shots she was consolening him and helping me get him dressed. She is the best big sister.

Seriously mom?

Whose in brother's crib?

Mad face