Sunday, July 24, 2011

Elliana's 3 year check up.

SHE IS GROWING! WAHOO! My little muchin has broken out of below the 10 percentile for weight (FINALLY).

Friday I took El for her 3 yr check up here are her stats:

Height: 38 inches (74%)
Weight: 29 lbs (32%)

She is doing great. Almost 100% potty trained. A few over night accidents here and there but over all good w/ that. We do need to work on her jumping on on leg (which something they need her to do by the time she is four) and riding a bike (but she is getting there). But she knew her colors, ABC's, counting and of course how to ask WHY? haha.

Our little girl is REALLY growing fast and truly becoming a BIG girl. Geez how the time flies!