Monday, June 1, 2009


Well, another adventure in parenting is complete and El just took a big step towards curing her ear infections today. We finally caved in and decided to get tubes placed in her ears. As many of you have read, she has been struggle with her ears and pretty much has had a constant ear infection for the past 5 months. So finally our pediatrician said enough is enough and referred us to an ENT doctor (ears, nose, and throat) and the ENT recomended SURGERY! It was a very early morning but we were in and out in 3 hours. The procedure actually only took 15 mins. Elli did great, but post operation was a little nuts. She cried for about 25 mins straight coming out of the anesthesia, but they said that was very normal for young children. Once we got her home she took her morning nap and woke up happy as a clam! Looks like things are back to normal! Here are some pictures and a video of us today.


CHBCT 4Life said...

Yay!!! I am so glad everything went well. She looks like the cutest little patient ever!

Anonymous said...

She is just the cutest little bug even so early in the morning-I'm so glad all went well. I love the outfit!!!! Love you all GM

Jim and Christy said...

I'm glad to hear everything went well.