Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Dad Is In The Paper

On Valentines Day we went to the UNLV vs Colorado St. basketball game. Ryan was selected to be apart of the Saturn Shootout. The goal was to make a layup, a free throw, a three point shot, and a half court shot all within 30secs. He came close, but couldn't make the half court shot. Check out the article below:


Patty Rutenbar said...

That is all too awesome! It reminds me of a game that I won a shot at the free throw line at a Constantine game. I think I made it and won a pizza! Wooooh! Hoooooh! I'm sure that yours was much more nerve wracking than mine was. Who cares if you won or not! You got press time and you're just so darn cute!

Anonymous said...

What a ham! Ryan you will never change, thank goodness. Better start Elliana out with the round ball as soon as she can stand! She may be the next UNLV star!

Aunt Jackie

Anonymous said...

Loved reading the article! Go Ryan! - Laura W.