Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dexter's 2 year appointment

Our little man is becoming not so little anymore.  He has surpassed the average in all areas.  :)
Here are his stats:

Weight:  29.5lbs (68%)
Height:  35 in (56%)
Head: 49.75 (77%)

He is doing great developmentally.  He does walk on his tippy toes so we really need to work with him to stop and we need to get him to stop sucking his thumb at the latest 3yrs.  We are going to start potty training so fingers crossed.  He is such a flirt & clown.  The nurses and doctor think he is a riot.


Anonymous said...

Hard to believe he is two years old already!, he is a love able little guy!, can't resist his smile!!!! Grandma morris