We had a sonogram yesterday! A sonogram is where they measure the babies development and give a thoruough check. The baby wouldn't move his head so they weren't able to asses the brain or face but the heart, kindneys, etc. all looked great. The baby was measuring at a due date of 11/05. They didn't adjust my due date but I have a feeling this baby will be much earlier than 11/11. We are kind of hoping for 11/7 which would be opposite of Elliana's (7/11).
I got all check out and YIPPEE my placenta finally moved. This means that at this point I won't have to get a scheduled c-section due to the placenta. My uterine bleed has also subsided. All good news. I am still on limited activity due to cramping, pressure & tightening I have been encountering. All is worth it to help out this little baby boy!
Soooooo glad to hear that Ange! I'm very relieved. Good job taking care of yourself and the little guy. :)
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