Friday, May 6, 2011

Scary, Scary

Geez, a lot has happen in the last week. Here a little update for you all.
Went to ER for bad bleeding and cramping at about 5 pm. They did a belly ultrasound the check the baby (everything looked good), directed me to see OB next day and sent me on my way. Note: at this point I have not seen my new OB yet (as explained in below post). The ER called the new doctor that night to give her update on me. Prior to going to ER I called my old OB (since I only had her number) and left a message requesting guidance. Then we called the hospital and they directed us to come to ER. Later that night I recieved a call back from my old OB and she was great. Wanted me to make sure to go see new doctor and get checked out first thing Monday.
Ryan and I went to new doctor and had HORRIBLE experience. Received no medical care and was sent on our way. She hand't reviewed my file (she had for 3 weeks prior) nor provided much bedside manner or explaining what was going on with me. Ryan and I decided to call old OB to get her advice. She was WONDERFUL. She referred me to a specialist in OB care to get checked out and to a new regular OB doctor.
Specialist called me and wanted me in ASAP. Went in that afternoon. It was an amazing facility. They had TOP technology and equipment. We were seen by the nurse, doctor and sonogramist (ultra sound specialist). They did two types of ultrasounds for near 45 minutes. Checking and double checking my issues. They got me all checked out. First and foremost the baby is great. We did get a idea of gender but we won't release that info until we are 100% sure. I did find out I have two minor issues they need to keep an eye on. One is a possible Placenta Priva (sp) which means the placenta covers the cervic. My placenta is very close to my cervic which could result in this issue. If the placenta covers the cervixs at all I will have to have a scheduled C-Section. There is a 50/50 chance it could become problematic and could be the culpret of my issues Sunday. Often as the uterus grows the placenta moves up and away from the cervix. That is what we are hoping for. Second issue is that I have a pocket of blood behind my amnioc sac. This could be a result of the uterine bleed I had early in my first trimester. This again is a 50/50 chance of going away. This issue can cause preterm labor. The doctor put me on limited activity, lots of water intake and will see me back in two weeks for another ultra sound. Hopefully by then we can annouce the gender if we get closer to a 100% verification.
Today I got accepted into the new, new regular OB doctor's practice. Vegas is weird where the practices (doctor's office) have to accept you in. Kind of like a application/interview process. I met him May 17th. I have done some research and I think this will be a better fit for me than the doctor I met Monday. WOW, it has been doctor musical chairs.

All in all I am happy to report we are getting taken care of. Next time more pics of ELLI!
Happy Friday all!


Anonymous said...

Well, that is good news along with the other news that you have to keep a watch on. I love that you have this blog to keep us posted long distance on your health and family. I hate when doctors don't value as a patient. . . hey if they want clients, they have to learn to play nice! Please take care. . . enjoy your Mother's day!
Love, Aunt Patty

Anonymous said...

Such a bummer you had to go through so much just to get a dang answer. Glad everything with the baby is good!
A good friend of mine had the same two issues with her 2nd baby. She followed doctors orders to the "T" and was able to deliver a very healthy baby boy without a C-section. No preterm labor and no issues. I hope the same for you. Please keep us posted.