Sunday, April 4, 2010


Elli is growing and developing more each day. She is really starting to talk. Though it may not be clear she is understanding what we are saying. Of course she mimics everything she sees people do. She is definitely very social. When we go to the park she always approaches the other kids first. She goes on the slide all by herself and has NO fear. She really is starting to play with her dolls and pretend. Such as make sounds that she is filling up a cup and hand it to me to drink or try to feed her baby dolls. Tea parties will soon be a daily event...I feel it. Her and Mya our best friends. She also cut all her canine teeth. Other than her second set of molars (that usually don't come in till after two) she has a full set of chompers. She also thinks she is a comedian. When we say NO she laughs but when mommy is serious with NO the minor tatrums are erupting. But all normal for any 21 month old right?