Friday, January 15, 2010

18 Months

Ms. Elliana had her 18 month check up this week. Geez, time sure does fly when your having fun and Elliana is SO much fun right now. She is talking more and more everyday. She is trying so hard to copy what you say and do. Daily her sounds improve. She loves making funny faces, running, climbing and just nonstop playing. She knows lots of her body parts. Elli has a very independent spirit. When it is dinner time she is feeding herself and no one can help her. She likes to try to dress herself, brush her hair and teeth. My plan is to get her in swimming lesson and maybe tumbling this year.

Her BIG accomplishment has been going potty in the toddler toilet. Ryan has been working with her slowly and patiently. She has had a handful of successful potty's in the potty. She is recognizing when she needs to go and that the bathroom is where to go. Hey, she may be potty trained by her second birthday!

Elliana is still a skinny little thing but the doctor wasn't concerned since she is maintaining steady at 20 lbs. The doctor did encourage us to feed her high fat (healthy food).

Here are her stats:
Weight: 20 lbs 11 oz (5.89%)
Height: 31-1/2 Inches (46.32%)
Head: 18.25 inches (45.41%)


The O'Neal Family said...

wow, potty training already, time flies!!! Elliana is such a sweet little girl and so petite too, how cute. I read her stats and laughed that Jalen could be a linebacker to her although he is still small for his age too. I like that our kids are smaller though, they grow up so quick as it is. Maybe we can skype this weekend!