Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring Fever

Hello everyone....can you believe how time is flying! Can't get over that we are already in April. Baby Morris will be here in just a few more months. Anyway, sorry for the delay in writing... but where did the last two weeks go?

Easter was really calm. We went to Kendra's house for an Easter Brunch. Her fiance Brock, mom (Augusta) and dad (Nick) were all there. We just chatted, ate and watched lots of basketball. Here is little pic for your viewing pleasure.
As I've mentioned in previous blogs we are having UNBELIEVABLE weather out here (knock on wood). I have been trying to take advantage of it as much as possible. Taking walks, sitting outside, having BBQ's, etc. As you can see here are a couple of pics of this last Friday's festivities at the house. Exciting times!
April 1 we had a doctors appt. (seriously we did...haha). I am doing well. The baby is doing well. I still need to be careful of my weight but things are looking good. Now that I am going into my 3rd trimester, my appts. have been moved to every 3 weeks and soon they will be every two weeks. By my next appt. (April 22) we need to have a hospital picked out. So, I have been busy setting up tours and finding out when I can register. We also registered for our birthing classes that will start on April 19. I've been researching pediatricians and Ryan is researching daycare & nanny options. Both of us are in our busy seasons at work, so our schedules have been booked and we've been extremely BUSY as of late. April will be over before we know it!

Well, there is our update for now. I will try to do this weekly.

PS. I think we are finally down to 6 names! We changed it around again...VOTE!

Love-Angela & Ryan


The Moritz Fam said...

you look absolutly sizzlin! both of you...all three of you, not to exclude Ryan. I LOVE the name Ellie and can NOT wait to meet the little beauty. As for now I seem to be the only wife attending the "boys weekend" wich I really didnt know it was until just recently. Ive got a lot of hugs and kisses stored up for lil morris so prepare yourselves. and hey, if you have any questions about the ol c-section give me a call 253-381-0891 it is SO not as bad as you would think. big love to ya'all.